Oameni diferiți, care au trăit în perioade îndepărtate atât din punct de vedere istoric, cât și geografic, oameni care s-au închinat la Dumnezei diferiți, și-au ucis cu violență și sadism semenii, ascunzându-se în umbra protectoare a religiei pe care au îmbrățișat-o. O întrebare se impune: sunt religiile mapamondului doctrine care instigă la violență sau sunt simple instrumente prin intermediul cărora oamenii își satisfac plăcerea de a ucide, cu scuza că servesc unui scop nobil?
Different people, living in remote periods both historically and geographically, people who worshiped different gods, and killed others with violence and sadism, hiding in the protective shadow of religion that have embraced it. A question must be: over the world religions doctrines are instigators of violence or are merely tools through which people satisfy their pleasure of killing, with the excuse that serve a noble purpose?
Different people, living in remote periods both historically and geographically, people who worshiped different gods, and killed others with violence and sadism, hiding in the protective shadow of religion that have embraced it. A question must be: over the world religions doctrines are instigators of violence or are merely tools through which people satisfy their pleasure of killing, with the excuse that serve a noble purpose?
Loc 10. Budiștii din Burma / Buddhists in Burma
În anul 1850, călugării budiștii din Burma încă mai practicau ritualurile în care se performau sacrificii umane. Odată cu mutarea capitalei la Mandalay, 56 de oameni considerați a fi "fără pată” au fost sacrificați și îngropați sub zidurile orașului pentru a deveni protectorii noii așezări. La puțin timp, două dintre morminte au fost găsite goale, ceea ce i-a făcut pe astrologii regali să dea un verdict radical: 500 de oameni trebuie uciși și îngropați sub ziduri, altfel capitala va fi evacuată. Până la intervenția guvernatorilor britanici care a pus capăt sacrificiilor, 100 de persoane fuseseră ucise deja.
In 1850, Buddhist monks in Burma still practiced rituals that are performed human sacrifices. Along with moving the capital from Mandalay, 56 people considered to be "without blemish" was sacrificed and buried under the city walls to become patrons of the new settlements. Soon, two of the graves have been found empty, which made the astrologers royal to give a verdict radically: 500 people have killed and buried in walls, otherwise the capital will be evacuated. By the intervention of British Governors sacrifices ended, 100 people had been killed already.
In 1850, Buddhist monks in Burma still practiced rituals that are performed human sacrifices. Along with moving the capital from Mandalay, 56 people considered to be "without blemish" was sacrificed and buried under the city walls to become patrons of the new settlements. Soon, two of the graves have been found empty, which made the astrologers royal to give a verdict radically: 500 people have killed and buried in walls, otherwise the capital will be evacuated. By the intervention of British Governors sacrifices ended, 100 people had been killed already.
Loc 9. Masacrul de la muntele Meadows / Massacre at Mountain Meadows
Odată cu declanșarea războiului din Utah, mormonii de pe întreg teritoriul s-au adunat în scurt timp, pentru a lupta împotriva armatei Statelor Unite, despre care bănuiau că urmărește eradicarea populației mormone. Pe fondul acestor tensiuni, au apărut zvonurile conform cărora în trenul Fancher-Baker, care transporta emigranți din Arkansas către California, se aflau inamici care participaseră la persecutarea mai multor mormoni. Episodul, rămas în istorie drept ca "masacrul de la muntele Meadows”, s-a finalizat cu executarea unui număr mare de emigranți, pe 11 septembrie 1857. Mormonii au atacat trenul cu ajutorul indienilor din tribul Păiuțe. Doi dintre cei care aveau roluri importante în organizarea militară locală, Isaac C. Haight și John D. Lee au orchestrat acest atac, deghizându-și oamenii astfel încât să pară un atac al nativilor americani. După asediu, mormonii au reușit să convingă emigranții să se predea. Nedorind să lase martori ai implicării lor în acest atac, 120 de oameni, bărbați, femei și copii au fost executați. Dintre cei din urmă, doar 17 au fost cruțați. Abia 20 de ani mai târziu, pe 23 martie 1877, unul dintre cei doi conducători, John D.Lee, avea să fie condamnat și executat chiar la locul masacrului.
With the war in Utah, Mormons throughout gathered in a short time to fight the U.S. army, which aims to eradicate suspected that the Mormon population. Amid these tensions, rumors emerged that the Fancher-Baker train, carrying emigrants from Arkansas to California, were enemies who had participated in the persecution of many Mormons. Episode, remained in history as the "Mountain Meadows massacre" was completed with the execution of large numbers of immigrants, on September 11th 1857. Mormons attacked the train with the Indian tribe Păiuţe. Two of those who had important roles in the organization Local military, Isaac C. Haight and John D. Lee had orchestrated the attack, deghizându his people so as to appear a Native American attack. After the siege, the Mormons were able to persuade immigrants to surrender. wanting to leave witnesses involved them in this attack, 120 people, men, women and children were executed. Of the latter, only 17 were spared. Only 20 years later, on March 23, 1877, one of the two leaders, John D. Lee, would be convicted and even executed at the massacre.
With the war in Utah, Mormons throughout gathered in a short time to fight the U.S. army, which aims to eradicate suspected that the Mormon population. Amid these tensions, rumors emerged that the Fancher-Baker train, carrying emigrants from Arkansas to California, were enemies who had participated in the persecution of many Mormons. Episode, remained in history as the "Mountain Meadows massacre" was completed with the execution of large numbers of immigrants, on September 11th 1857. Mormons attacked the train with the Indian tribe Păiuţe. Two of those who had important roles in the organization Local military, Isaac C. Haight and John D. Lee had orchestrated the attack, deghizându his people so as to appear a Native American attack. After the siege, the Mormons were able to persuade immigrants to surrender. wanting to leave witnesses involved them in this attack, 120 people, men, women and children were executed. Of the latter, only 17 were spared. Only 20 years later, on March 23, 1877, one of the two leaders, John D. Lee, would be convicted and even executed at the massacre.
Loc 8. Vânătoarea de vrăjitoare / Hunting for witches
Odată cu sosirea lor în Massachusetts, în jurul anului 1600, puritanii au creat o poliție religioasă care urmărea și pedepsea orice devianță doctrinală. "Păcătoşii” erau biciuiți, puși la stâlpul infamiei, spânzurați, li se tăiau urechile sau li se găureau limbile cu un fier încins. De cealaltă parte se aflau adepții formațiunii religioase Quaker, unii dintre cei mai mari inamici ai puritanilor, a căror religie era considerată o blasfemie. Practicanții Quaker prinși erau spânzurați. În 1690, teama față de magie și de efectele acesteia i-a făcut pe puritani să condamne la moarte 20 de vrăjitoare și să arunce în închisoare alte 150 de persoane bănuite de vrăjitorie. În întreaga perioadă a persecuțiilor, care a durat din 1484 până în 1750, mii de oameni au fost arși pe rug sau spânzurați. Conform statisticilor oficiale, 80% dintre victime erau femei.
Once they arrive in Massachusetts around 1600, the Puritans created a religious police who pursued and punished any deviation doctrine. "Sinners" were whipped, put in the pillory, hanged, they were cutting ears or holes are languages with a hot iron. On the other hand were religious party Quaker followers, some of the greatest enemies of the Puritans, whose religion was considered a blasphemy. Practitioners Quaker caught were hanged. In 1690, fear of witchcraft and its effects led the Puritans to condemn to death 20 prison witches and other 150 people suspected of witchcraft. In the whole period of persecution , which lasted from 1484 until 1750, thousands of people were burned at the stake or hanged. According to official statistics, 80% of victims were women.
Once they arrive in Massachusetts around 1600, the Puritans created a religious police who pursued and punished any deviation doctrine. "Sinners" were whipped, put in the pillory, hanged, they were cutting ears or holes are languages with a hot iron. On the other hand were religious party Quaker followers, some of the greatest enemies of the Puritans, whose religion was considered a blasphemy. Practitioners Quaker caught were hanged. In 1690, fear of witchcraft and its effects led the Puritans to condemn to death 20 prison witches and other 150 people suspected of witchcraft. In the whole period of persecution , which lasted from 1484 until 1750, thousands of people were burned at the stake or hanged. According to official statistics, 80% of victims were women.
Loc 7. Crimele sectei Thuggee / The crimes of the sect Thuggee
Pentru a potoli setea de sânge a nemiloasei zeițe Kali, practicanții sectei Thuggee din India au dezvoltat încă din anul 1500 o practică religioasă prin care oamenii erau jertfiţi pe altarul acesteia. Cele mai multe victime erau ucise prin strangulare în timpul ritualurilor. Se aproximează că 2 milioane de oameni i-au căzut victime de-a lungul timpului. Numai în anul 1800 au fost curmate circa 20 000 de vieți, până când intervenția autorităților britanice a pus capăt acestor practici. Numărul victimelor s-a diminuat, deși în 1840 un membru Thuggee era judecat pentru uciderea a 931 de oameni. În prezent, anumiți preoți hinduși încă mai practică acest ritual, însă locul oamenilor pe altarul jertfei a fost luat de capre.
To appease the goddess Kali nemiloasei blood, sect Thuggee practitioners in India have developed since 1500 a religious practice by which people were sacrificed on the altar it. Most victims were killed by strangulation during rituals. Is estimated that 2 million people have fallen victim over time. Only in 1800 was cut about 20 000 lives, until the intervention of the British authorities put an end to these practices. The number of victims has decreased, although in 1840 a member Thuggee was tried for killing 931 people. Today, some Hindu priests still practice this ritual, but people place on the altar of sacrifice was taken from the goats.
To appease the goddess Kali nemiloasei blood, sect Thuggee practitioners in India have developed since 1500 a religious practice by which people were sacrificed on the altar it. Most victims were killed by strangulation during rituals. Is estimated that 2 million people have fallen victim over time. Only in 1800 was cut about 20 000 lives, until the intervention of the British authorities put an end to these practices. The number of victims has decreased, although in 1840 a member Thuggee was tried for killing 931 people. Today, some Hindu priests still practice this ritual, but people place on the altar of sacrifice was taken from the goats.
Loc 6. Persecuţiile romane / Roman persecutions
Una dintre primele persecuții împotriva creștinilor s-a petrecut în anul 64 d. Cr., din ordinul împăratului Nero. Este același an în care Roma era cuprinsă de unul dintre cele mai mari incendii din istorie. Pentru că foarte multe zvonuri îl inculpau pe însuși Nero de producerea catastrofei, acesta a ordonat ca toți creștinii să fie arestați și uciși sub învinuirea de a fi stârnit devastatorul incendiu. Mulți dintre aceștia au fost sfâșiați de sălbăticiuni în timpul sângeroaselor spectacole romane sau au fost arși de vii. În următorii ani, acțiunile îndreptate împotriva creștinilor au continuat, ajungând la apogeu în timpul a ceea ce s-a numit a "Marea persecuţie”. Aceasta a început cu o serie de patru edicte care interzicea practicile religioase creștine și mergeau până la execuția în masă a practicanților. Persecuțiile au încetat odată cu urcarea pe tron a împăratului Constantin I în anul 306, cel care avea să legalizeze creștinismul șapte ani mai târziu, în 313.
One of the first persecution against Christians occurred in 64 d. Cr., The emperor Nero. The same year that Rome was seized by one of the biggest fires in history. Because so many rumors Nero himself is accused of the disaster, he ordered that all Christians are arrested and killed under the accusation of being triggered devastating fire. Many of them have been torn during the savage sângeroaselor novels or plays were burned alive. In coming years, actions directed against Christians continued, reaching its peak during what was called the "Great Persecution". It began with a series of four edicts banning Christian religious practices and go to the mass execution of practitioners . persecutions ended with the accession to the throne of Emperor Constantine I in 306, who was to legalize Christianity seven years later in 313.
One of the first persecution against Christians occurred in 64 d. Cr., The emperor Nero. The same year that Rome was seized by one of the biggest fires in history. Because so many rumors Nero himself is accused of the disaster, he ordered that all Christians are arrested and killed under the accusation of being triggered devastating fire. Many of them have been torn during the savage sângeroaselor novels or plays were burned alive. In coming years, actions directed against Christians continued, reaching its peak during what was called the "Great Persecution". It began with a series of four edicts banning Christian religious practices and go to the mass execution of practitioners . persecutions ended with the accession to the throne of Emperor Constantine I in 306, who was to legalize Christianity seven years later in 313.
Loc 5. Cruciadele / The Crusades
Definite drept conflicte militare cu un caracter religios, cruciadele medievale au fost purtate atât împotriva dușmanilor externi cât și a celor interni. Nu numai musulmanii sau slavii păgâni au fost vizați, dar și creștinii greci ortodocși, catârii, husitii sau oricine dobândea "statutul” de inamic al papilor. Scopul inițial al cruciadelor era recuperarea Pământului Sfânt de la musulmani și împiedicarea expansiunii turcești. Cruciadele erau purtate împotriva păgânilor, ereticilor sau a celor care erau excomunicati din motive religioase, economice sau politice. În scurt timp însă, acestea au început să servească și altor scopuri, cu precădere politice. Organizarea unei cruciade însemna mobilizarea unor forțe militare imense, iar luptele presupuneau o violență ieșită din comun, având ca rezultat un număr impresionant de victime. Ideea unui război religios care servește unei cauze nobile a înfierbântat mințile laicilor, așa se face că spre sfârșitul secolului XI, oamenii din popor se angajau în aceste bătălii, devenind după depunerea unui jurământ "soldaţii bisericii”. Se pare că până în 1291, numărul victimelor ajunsese la 20 milioane, dar aceasta este numai o cifră aproximativă, în lipsa unor evidențe exacte. Este foarte probabil ca cifra să fi fost mult mai mare, argumentată prin numeroasele cruciade petrecute de-a lungul unei perioade lungi de timp.
Defined as military conflicts with a religious character, medieval crusades were fought against enemies both external and those internal. Not only Muslims or pagan Slavs were targeted, but also Greek Orthodox Christians, mules, or anyone Hussites entitlement "status" of enemy of the Popes. The original objective of the Crusades was to recover the Holy Land from Muslims and prevent Turkish expansion. The Crusades were fought against pagans, heretics or those who were excommunicated for religious reasons, economic or political. In a short time, they began to serve other purposes, especially political. a crusade mean huge mobilization of military forces and assumed a fighting violence extraordinary, resulting in an impressive number of victims. The idea of a religious war that serves a noble cause of heated minds laity, so it was that towards the end of XI century, some of the people engaged in these battles, becoming after the swearing "soldiers of the church". It seems that by 1291, the number of victims reached 20 million, but this is only an approximate figure, in the absence of accurate records. It is likely that figure has been much higher, citing the many crusades took place over a long period of time.
Defined as military conflicts with a religious character, medieval crusades were fought against enemies both external and those internal. Not only Muslims or pagan Slavs were targeted, but also Greek Orthodox Christians, mules, or anyone Hussites entitlement "status" of enemy of the Popes. The original objective of the Crusades was to recover the Holy Land from Muslims and prevent Turkish expansion. The Crusades were fought against pagans, heretics or those who were excommunicated for religious reasons, economic or political. In a short time, they began to serve other purposes, especially political. a crusade mean huge mobilization of military forces and assumed a fighting violence extraordinary, resulting in an impressive number of victims. The idea of a religious war that serves a noble cause of heated minds laity, so it was that towards the end of XI century, some of the people engaged in these battles, becoming after the swearing "soldiers of the church". It seems that by 1291, the number of victims reached 20 million, but this is only an approximate figure, in the absence of accurate records. It is likely that figure has been much higher, citing the many crusades took place over a long period of time.
Loc 4. Jihadul islamic / Islamic Jihad
Semnificațiile "Războiului sfânt” au născut de-a lungul timpului o mulțime de controverse. Unii musulmani înțeleg prin jihad utilizarea tuturor resurselor pentru a urma doctrina islamică și pentru a-l mulțumi pe Alah. Este un proces continuu, prin care aceștia învață să-și controleze propriile dorințe și să lupte împotriva gândurilor rele. Pentru aceștia, jihadul se află înăuntrul ființei și se materializează prin aducerea dreptății și înlăturarea răului din societate. Aceste precepte au cunoscut în scurt timp o extensie, care s-a materializat împotriva necredincioșilor.
Însă un anumit pasaj din Coran, Sura 25, versetul 52 a născut foarte multe dezbateri în lumea islamică. Mulți l-au folosit în trecut și îl folosesc și în prezent drept scuză pentru a comite crime ascunse în spatele unei doctrine religioase: "Nu cedați în fața necredincioșilor, ci luptați cu îndârjire împotriva lor”.
Războiul sfânt, menționat în Coran, a făcut numeroase victime timp de 12 secole. Se pare că în decursul istoriei, numărul victimelor ucise în numele Islamului numără aproximativ 200 milioane. În primii ani, armatele musulmane se răspândeau rapid: din estul Indiei până în vestul Marocului. La scurt timp, diverse formațiuni religioase și-au adus acuze reciproce, declarând jihadul una împotriva celeilalte: Kharijis s-au luptat cu Sunni, Azariqis au declarat moarte tuturor păcătoșilor și familiilor lor. În 1850 un mistic sudanez, Umăr al-Hajj, a inițiat un jihad în scopul de a converti triburile africane păgâne.
Meaning "holy war" have had over the years a lot of controversy. Some Muslims understand the jihad use all resources to follow the doctrine of Islam and to satisfy Allah. It is a continuous process by which they learn to control own wishes and thoughts to fight against evil. For them, jihad is being inside and is carried by bringing justice and elimination of evil in society. These precepts have seen an extension shortly, which has materialized against infidels.
But one particular passage in the Koran, Sura 25, verse 52 was born very much debate in the Islamic world. Many have used in past and currently use it as an excuse to commit crimes hidden behind a religious doctrine: "Do not yield to the unbelievers, but fight persistently against them.
Holy War, said in the Koran, has claimed many victims for 12 centuries. It seems that in history, the number of victims killed in the name of Islam has about 200 million. In the early years, Muslim armies is spreading rapidly: eastern India to the west of Morocco. Shortly thereafter, several religious parties have made mutual accusations, declaring jihad against each other: Kharijis fought with Sunni, said Azariqis death of all sinners and their families. In 1850 a Sudanese mystic, Umar al-Hajj, has launched a jihad in order to convert pagan African tribes.
Însă un anumit pasaj din Coran, Sura 25, versetul 52 a născut foarte multe dezbateri în lumea islamică. Mulți l-au folosit în trecut și îl folosesc și în prezent drept scuză pentru a comite crime ascunse în spatele unei doctrine religioase: "Nu cedați în fața necredincioșilor, ci luptați cu îndârjire împotriva lor”.
Războiul sfânt, menționat în Coran, a făcut numeroase victime timp de 12 secole. Se pare că în decursul istoriei, numărul victimelor ucise în numele Islamului numără aproximativ 200 milioane. În primii ani, armatele musulmane se răspândeau rapid: din estul Indiei până în vestul Marocului. La scurt timp, diverse formațiuni religioase și-au adus acuze reciproce, declarând jihadul una împotriva celeilalte: Kharijis s-au luptat cu Sunni, Azariqis au declarat moarte tuturor păcătoșilor și familiilor lor. În 1850 un mistic sudanez, Umăr al-Hajj, a inițiat un jihad în scopul de a converti triburile africane păgâne.
Meaning "holy war" have had over the years a lot of controversy. Some Muslims understand the jihad use all resources to follow the doctrine of Islam and to satisfy Allah. It is a continuous process by which they learn to control own wishes and thoughts to fight against evil. For them, jihad is being inside and is carried by bringing justice and elimination of evil in society. These precepts have seen an extension shortly, which has materialized against infidels.
But one particular passage in the Koran, Sura 25, verse 52 was born very much debate in the Islamic world. Many have used in past and currently use it as an excuse to commit crimes hidden behind a religious doctrine: "Do not yield to the unbelievers, but fight persistently against them.
Holy War, said in the Koran, has claimed many victims for 12 centuries. It seems that in history, the number of victims killed in the name of Islam has about 200 million. In the early years, Muslim armies is spreading rapidly: eastern India to the west of Morocco. Shortly thereafter, several religious parties have made mutual accusations, declaring jihad against each other: Kharijis fought with Sunni, said Azariqis death of all sinners and their families. In 1850 a Sudanese mystic, Umar al-Hajj, has launched a jihad in order to convert pagan African tribes.
Loc 3. Jertfele aztece / Aztec sacrifices
Aztecii au început elaborarea teocrației în jurul anului 1300, marcând era de aur a sacrificului uman. Aproximativ 20 000 de oameni au fost jertfiți zeilor, în mod special zeului soare, căruia trebuia să i se asigure rația zilnică de sânge. În cadrul ritualurilor, inima victimelor era scoasă, iar corpurile erau mâncate. Alte victime erau înecate, decapitate, arse sau aruncate de la înălțime. Într-un ritual dedicat zeului ploii, copii care obișnuiau să plângă des erau omorâți încet pentru ca lacrimile lor să aducă ploaia. Pentru a o mulțumi pe zeița porumbului, o fecioară trebuia să danseze timp de 24 de ore, după care era ucisă, iar pielea îi era jupuită. O însemnare menționează că la încoronarea regelui Ahuitzotl, 80 000 de prizonieri au fost măcelăriți pentru satisfacerea zeilor.
Aztecs began teocraţiei development around 1300, marking the Golden Age of Human sacrifice. Approximately 20 000 people have been sacrificed gods, especially the sun god, who should ensure a daily ration of blood. In the ritual, the victims heart was removed and the bodies were eaten. Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or thrown from a height. In a ritual dedicated to the god of rain, children who used to cry often were killed slowly because their tears bring rain. For it satisfy the corn goddess, a virgin had to dance for 24 hours, then was killed and his skin was peeled. One entry states that the coronation of King Ahuitzotl, 80 000 prisoners were slaughtered to satisfy the gods.
Aztecs began teocraţiei development around 1300, marking the Golden Age of Human sacrifice. Approximately 20 000 people have been sacrificed gods, especially the sun god, who should ensure a daily ration of blood. In the ritual, the victims heart was removed and the bodies were eaten. Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or thrown from a height. In a ritual dedicated to the god of rain, children who used to cry often were killed slowly because their tears bring rain. For it satisfy the corn goddess, a virgin had to dance for 24 hours, then was killed and his skin was peeled. One entry states that the coronation of King Ahuitzotl, 80 000 prisoners were slaughtered to satisfy the gods.
Loc 2. Inchiziţia / Inquisition
Primele mișcări ale inchiziției au fost provocate de atitudinea maselor față de creștinism, în mod particular de cea a catârilor și a valdensienilor. Tortura a început să fie folosită după anul 1252. Cel care a autorizat uzul torturii a fost papa Inocent al IV-lea, printr-un edict papal cunoscut sub numele de Ad exstirpanda. Însă decretul interzicea vărsarea de sânge, mutilarea sau moartea. Una dintre metodele des folosite era "strappado”, care presupunea legarea mâinilor acuzatului la spate și suspendarea acestuia în aer, până la fracturarea brațelor. Metoda a cunoscut și "îmbunătăţiri”: în unele cazuri, se adăugau greutăți la picioare, ceea ce ducea implicit, la dislocarea lor. Însă lucrurile nu s-au oprit aici. În 1568, Tribunalul Inchiziției Spaniole a ordonat exterminarea a 3 milioane de oameni de pe actualul teritoriu al Olandei, atunci domeniu spaniol, sub acuza de rebeliune. Un alt exemplu de fervoare religioasă este celebrul inchizitor spaniol Torquemada, care avea pe conștiință cel puțin 10 220 de suflete.
The first movements of the Inquisition was caused by the attitude of the masses to Christianity, particularly that of the mules and valdensienilor. Torture began to be used after the year 1252. Whoever authorized the use of torture was Inocent Pope IV, a bull known as Ad exstirpanda. But the decree forbidding bloodshed, mutilation or death. One method often used was "strappado", which meant tying the hands of the accused at the back and its suspension in the air, until fracture of arms. The method has also "improved" in some cases, add weight to the feet, resulting default on their deployment. But things did not stop there. In 1568, the Spanish Inquisition Tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million people in the present territory of the Netherlands, where the Spanish area, the charges of rebellion. Another example of religious fervor is the famous Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada, who was on his conscience at least 10 220 people.
The first movements of the Inquisition was caused by the attitude of the masses to Christianity, particularly that of the mules and valdensienilor. Torture began to be used after the year 1252. Whoever authorized the use of torture was Inocent Pope IV, a bull known as Ad exstirpanda. But the decree forbidding bloodshed, mutilation or death. One method often used was "strappado", which meant tying the hands of the accused at the back and its suspension in the air, until fracture of arms. The method has also "improved" in some cases, add weight to the feet, resulting default on their deployment. But things did not stop there. In 1568, the Spanish Inquisition Tribunal ordered extermination of 3 million people in the present territory of the Netherlands, where the Spanish area, the charges of rebellion. Another example of religious fervor is the famous Spanish Inquisitor Torquemada, who was on his conscience at least 10 220 people.
Loc 1. Masacrul hinduşilor / Hindus Massacre
Cucerirea Indiei de către mahomedani a fost descrisă de către istoricul W.Durant, drept cel mai sângeros episod din istorie. În anumite părți ale Europei și ale Asiei, națiunile cucerite optau pentru convertirea la Islam în locul morții sigure care îi aștepta. În India lucrurile nu au stat așa cum și-ar fi dorit cuceritorii musulmani, datorită religiei hindu, care își ocupase locul în viața și în cultura oamenilor cu mai bine de 4000 de ani în urmă. Puși în fața unei rezistențe ieșite din comun, cuceritorii musulmani nu au ezitat să incendieze orașe întregi și să masacreze întreaga populație a acestora. Fiecare astfel de campanie sporea numărul victimelor cu câteva mii de suflete și tot pe atâtea erau aruncate în ghearele sclaviei. Fiecare invadator își putea construi la propriu un deal din craniile adepților hinduși. Cucerirea Afganistanului în anul 1000 a avut ca rezultat anihiliarea întregii populații hinduse de pe acest teritoriu. Sultanii Bahmani din centrul Indiei își făcuseră o regulă din a omorî 100 000 de hinduși pe an. În anul 1399, Teimur a ucis 100 000 de oameni într-o singură zi și mult mai mulți cu alte ocazii. Conform calculelor profesorului Koenraad Elst, numărul populației hinduse a scăzut din anul 1000 până în anul 1525 cu 80 milioane.
The conquest of India by the Mohammedans was described by historian W. Durant, as the bloodiest episode in history. In some parts of Europe and of Asia, conquered nations optau to convert to Islam in place of death await them safe. In India things stayed as they would have liked Muslim conquerors because of Hindu religion, that its place in the life and culture of the people with more than 4,000 years ago. Faced with an extraordinary resistance, Muslim conquerors did not hesitate to burn down entire cities and entire population to massacre them. Each such campaign increased the number of victims with thousands of souls and all the many were thrown into the clutches of slavery. Each invader he could literally build a hill of Hindu skulls followers. The conquest of Afghanistan in 1000 resulted anihiliarea entire Hindu population in this territory. Sultans in central India Bahman had made a rule in the killing of 000 Hindus 100 per year. In 1399, Teimur killed 100 000 people in a single day and many more elsewhere. According to the calculations of Professor Koenraad Elst, the Hindu population decreased from 1000 until 1525 with 80 million.
The conquest of India by the Mohammedans was described by historian W. Durant, as the bloodiest episode in history. In some parts of Europe and of Asia, conquered nations optau to convert to Islam in place of death await them safe. In India things stayed as they would have liked Muslim conquerors because of Hindu religion, that its place in the life and culture of the people with more than 4,000 years ago. Faced with an extraordinary resistance, Muslim conquerors did not hesitate to burn down entire cities and entire population to massacre them. Each such campaign increased the number of victims with thousands of souls and all the many were thrown into the clutches of slavery. Each invader he could literally build a hill of Hindu skulls followers. The conquest of Afghanistan in 1000 resulted anihiliarea entire Hindu population in this territory. Sultans in central India Bahman had made a rule in the killing of 000 Hindus 100 per year. In 1399, Teimur killed 100 000 people in a single day and many more elsewhere. According to the calculations of Professor Koenraad Elst, the Hindu population decreased from 1000 until 1525 with 80 million.
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